Tuesday, August 5, 2008


How does your website look like? Is it professionally designed and filled with a lot of information? Or is it one that is simply designed and showing one main topic in the centre of the page?
Have you put yourselves in the shoes of the visitors of your website?
We all agree that seeing people leaving your site after not even five minutes is depressing. So below are some things you should avoid and some tips that you will like to learn.
Here are some things that you should avoid and people dislike:
-Lack of focus. Your website shows almost everything about everything. Like a disorganized room, people won't even bother surfing around your website if they can't understand the main topic of your site.
-Lack of information. Your website is like an empty shell, created for other purposes rather than providing with visitors quality information.
-Lack of personality. Your website represents you, what you've created should be representing the likes and dislikes of yours. Trying too hard to create one that appeals to everyone is impossible. You can't please everybody who visits your site.
-Political/racial/religion/hate/adult comments. These are the subjects that you should avoid commenting on. People have their own different views and ideas, we got to respect that.
-Poorly visualized. People love colorful and fancy stuff, our eyes are more attracted to the bright colors. Avoid using dark backgrounds, colored words that are difficult to read. If the website is well designed, people will usually expect great content as well.
-Pop-up ads and other distractions. Yes, these are good tools to capture leads but if overused, visitors may leave a bad impression on you. Offer free information in a form of newsletter or eBooks in exchange of their personal information.
These are the major reasons why people leave your website within seconds, jeopardizing your chances of working from home using your computer much lower.
Below are some tips on getting people to stay longer in your website:
-Provide useful information in the most direct way. People love to have easy access to what they are looking for. They want answers, solutions fast. They don't want to hear your marketing talk and hard selling at start.
-Show that you care. Getting your website well designed and have a personal feel is important. People love to come to website that they feel comfortable with. One that is well customized to meet people's certain needs.
-Give, offer, reward. People want to know where to get more information out of your website without spending a single cent, give them!
-Easy to navigate. Imagine entering a place where there's no directions, you feel lost. You would want to explore around the entire website before leaving. Having a site menu will certainly help.
-Simple instructions. Give simple instructions to visitors if there's any action needed from them.
-Build trust. Internet is still a virtual world to many, some still have the idea that making money online is impossible. To complete strangers, building trust within minutes is hard. You can do so by offering a "about me" or "contact me" page.
Of course, there are many other ways and strategies of improving visitors' stay. You can create and have ideas of your own as long as they work.
I hope you enjoy reading this article and thank you for taking your precious time!


When it comes to search engine optimization many website owners find themselves struggling to compete. Building an online business can be challenging and search engine optimization is one of those challenges you will have to face in order to build a long term successful business on the internet.
With that said many folks like to make search engine optimization seem complicated. Sure it is challenging but when done correctly it can be very effective.
When it is done right it is very easy to get to the top of search engines and get the traffic you need in order for your business to thrive.
Search engine optimization basically means building your website in a way that enables search engines to understand the content correctly and as a consequence list your site in the top ten results for your chosen keywords.
So why is search engine optimization necessary and why should you do it?
The first thing to note is that a site without traffic will never make money. Secondly it's not just about getting traffic to your site, its more about getting traffic that converts to sales.
When your site receives traffic from the search engines it is far more likely that these visitors will convert to sales. One of the biggest reasons for this is credibility.
When your company comes up on the first pages of Google it suggests that your site is a trusted source relevant to what that individual is searching for.
Plus when people use the search engines they are searching for something and use specific keywords to identify their needs. When you site pops up on the first page you are then considered to be a resource that will provide them with a solution.
On the other hand when you advertise you are putting yourself in front of the customer suggesting that you have what they need. In this case you are telling them and as you know human nature tends to take this information with a certain degree of skepticism.
As we all know none of us like been told what to do, and advertising is all about telling someone about your product or service. This is why advertised traffic does not convert as well as search engine traffic.
This is why search engine optimization is necessary because making money online is all about converting traffic to sales and should always be the focus of your attention.
Granted search engine optimization is time consuming and the landscape is forever changing. The good news is that you can outsource this task to companies that devote their time and expertise to getting websites on the first page of the search results. With that said you need to be careful.
There are many companies out there who will gladly take your money while promising you the moon and the stars. They then will tell you how they are going to submit your site to all sorts of directories and use various different software tools to accomplish this objective.
This sounds great in theory but it may actually do more harm than good. The search engines may think you are spamming them and as a result de-list your site.
So when it comes to using search engine optimization companies proceed with caution. Ask them how they are going to do it and make sure that they provide you with everything you need to both understand and achieve your objective.
To conclude search engine optimization is all about working smart not hard and if you are not optimizing your website you will reduce your sites capability of being profitable over the long term.